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March 11, 2005 ~ 2:12 a.m.

Hey. Just posting for the sake of posting. Didn't want too many days to pass and forget to do it. Been feeling better about life since I last posted. I think I let things get to me a bit too much. Life is a bit too short to always worry where things are headed next I suppose. Sounds a bit cliche, yes, but fairly true. I've been playing with Apophysis version 2.02f, something I only recently downloaded to play with the new variations and whatnot. Neat stuff.

I'll also be meeting with an old friend this afternoon that I haven't seen in quite a long time. I'm pretty excited about chillin' with him again. We fell apart after a harsh conflict and only coming around now after well over a year. Been chatting it up with him over the AIM network and the past has been long left in the dust. It's almost as if nothing after happened and things appear normal as usual. I just know things will be great, I can feel it. We've always had that strong bonding link that best friends tend to have. A duo again, at long last. Now nothing will interfere with our plans for world domin-- uh, ahh.. okay, now I've said to much.. forget what you read here just now. No no. not only these words just now, all of it.. or rather just the second paragraph. Oh hell, nevermind!

March 07, 2005 ~ 5:06 p.m.

Think I'll keep this short since i feel shitty. Fed up with life, getting no where fast. I probably make life sound good to online people who don't really know me, but it's not, most of the time. Think I finally buried the hatchet with an old friend though, which is good I suppose, seeing as I have no friends but my girl and my brothers. My girl friend is truely my best friend. I've never been any closer to a woman with the exception of my mother and grandmother. I just know that what we have it true, we can both feel it, it's unlike anything else. On another topic; Just when I thought I spoke my mind, I can look back on times where I didn't speak up enough. Then theres the moments where I felt as if I spoke too much. Sometimes it's best to be mute.. and logically pick your battles with keen precision.

March 04, 2005 ~ 7:19 p.m.

Okay, no PHPbb just yet. For anyone who doesn't already know. I setup Apache to serve and also installed mySQL and PHP. My brother Mike and I attempted to install and configure PHPBB, the forum software, with no luck. At least no luck with doing so on my Gentoo Linux system. Mike was able to do it on his Fedora Core Linux distro, but everything is easier with that flavor of Linux ;) No worries though, having a Linux expert who knows Gentoo in particular really well and has all this setup already to go and look over my settings to see what I fudged up or which settings may be missing.

March 02, 2005 ~ 2:04 a.m.

Don't feel like going to sleep yet, so i'm about you watch Spaceballs in a few moments.. love that movie. Had some trouble with my domain name earlier for wiredCorpse after I had to reboot my linux box where I serve my site. It worked locally in my browser but no one else was able to load it. Wasnt sure what was happening at first, so simple fix, I just changed the port number then altered the entry in my network router which forwards requests from the outside. Then had to alter my domain settings, and it seems to work fine now. If anyone else has trouble with getting it to load for some reason or the site doesnt look right, mail me at [email protected]. Also, perhaps tonight, more likely tomorrow, I'll start on creating another fractal in Apophysis. As well as more content for my site when I can finally get to it.

March 01, 2005 ~ 2:36 p.m.

Trying to get back into Apophysis flame fractals again to showcase on my deviantArt page. I do alright I guess. But I am never really satisfied fully with my work. I also don't want to forgot about my wiredCorpse site, I should be getting some updates for it soon i hope. ;P

February 28, 2005 ~ 3:10 a.m.

I have a domain name,! I just find that really cool, since I put up with stupid hosts and URLs for so long. I host my site from the computer next to the one I am typing on now, my Gentoo Linux machine. She's a real beaut, haha. Yeah so, now that I have a domain I feel the need that I should try and keep my site going and not just brush it aside. Sometimes, with a lot of things in my life, I just don't feel the motivation to see things through or take the initiative to start a project. But all that is going to have to change, and change I will. I need to step up and do something for myself for a change and not sulk and worry and feel sorry for myself. Just the type of character I've developed into I guess. So now it's time to change roles, and grab life by the horns without fear.

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