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February 26, 2005 ~ 2:17 a.m.

Had some fun today with my brother and his friends, in a band called the Twisted Blues Band. They had their first gig over at Seasons Cafe in a town over from here. They performed pretty well aside from a couple songs being flat because the guitars were out of tune from the cold and we were late getting there. All in all, not bad, they even made some tip money. Little over $27... gas money. ;-P

February 24, 2005 ~ 11:57 a.m.

Woohoo! My girlfriend is making time for me again today to come see me, in about 20 minutes or so. That's great, for the both of us, since we're so in love and feel empty and alone when apart. Sounds like true love don't it? It's a beautiful thing. I feel lucky when I get to see her, because she's always so busy with school during the week and work at night. So we get together every chance we can. Which works itself out to about 2-3 times a week.. which for lovers, soulmates.. is not nearly enough.

February 23, 2005 ~ 6:41 p.m.

Hm, not too shabby. Startin' to get this page looking pretty decent now. Was trying some things, but I think I like how it is currently, good enough.
A simple look, but I like simple ("keep it simple stupid") and simplicity can be complexity within itself. At least it sure took a while to get this formatting right. Speaking of getting things right, I highly dislike people that contradict themselves. We're all guilty of it in one way or another, but it's not a common practice for me. The traits in people I hate the most are arrogance, naive, and thinking you know whats best all the time for someone else. I also really hate double standards with a passion.

One example I encountered today, which I won't get into that much detail as it violates privacy..but, when a dad thinks it's okay for his (underage in this case) son to go out and do whatever he wants (and I really mean ANYthing they want) without even a second thought. On the other hand, according to this dad, his daughter (who's in her 20's) is forbidden to have the same freedoms because it's not "lady like."

I mean honestly, how dumb is that? Would one consider that anti-feminist discrimination? One thing I do understand though, which is being more protective over a girl rather than a boy. But I believe that a line has to be drawn at some point to respect that persons right to their own free will. Especially at the level of adulthood.

2005-02-23 ~ 2:14 a.m.

[adult swim] is my savior. Seriously, it's great. And I love the new Robot Chicken sandwich. Family Guy, Robot Chicken, another Family Guy, freaking brilliant! ;)

2005-02-22 ~ 7:42 p.m.

Whelp. Pretty neat. Yeah I'm still trying this diary thing out. I've used other blogs, and wasn't too satisfied with everything, along with the big horrid ads. I like this because if I wanted I can change the HTML tags to anything I like. The most recent and active blog account that I have prior to this is over at It's not too bad, but there's only so much you can do and you can't make it look like whatever you want for free. Right now I'm basically just using it as an archive for all my favourite news articles and stuff.

I signed up for a blog over at but I have to wait while they convert things over to WordPress. It's all done by only a few busy people it seems. So I may be waiting a while to get word on when I can start blogging there. Hope I can though, because it'll be free, adless, and I'll be able to do pretty much anything I want and it'll have a really professional look. :)

2005-02-22 ~ 7:26 p.m.

This is my first post here. Just trying this thing out to see how it is and if I like it. I was thinking of doing the blog style multiple entries, but I am lazy. haha.

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