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August 24, 2021 ~ 11:35 a.m.

Wow, this is so old.

*blows off layers of dust*
*coughs* *chokes*

A lot sure has happened since this blog was created. Lots of life changes, events. Married the girl mentioned in this blog. Geeze, all these dead, defunct links. Might fix those... probably not.

August 23, 2021 ~ 11:13 a.m.


April 12, 2005 ~ 1:19 a.m.

Hey bloggy, I'm back. Been a while since my last post I know. I've been busy and really sick with the flu. The worst part of it lasted for around 5 days, starting the week before last. I was vomitting, had a fever, headache, and bad aches and dizziness. After the worst of it passed, I had a phlegmy throat and nagging cough for the whole last week which has been keeping me from sleeping most nights. The mucus is gone, but I have a dry throat and bad cough leftover still. So I've been sick since the Thursday before last, how miserable. Even worse, my poor girlfriend has been sick with the same flu which she likely got from me. Hopefully the worst is behind her, but I'm sure she'll also have this nasty cough. Really annoying.

March 26, 2005 ~ 5:56 p.m.

More fighting.. it's a regular family feud over here. It started last night as something small from last night. My brother Matthew was gone and left his games here for my other two brothers to play. Vin (who's older) hogs most of the game I think, not sure. The PS2 was not in my room at the time, Vin put it up in Mike's room since i was down here with my girlfriend Jarlyn watching TV. Much later that night long after she left, Vin comes down complaining mike is selfish because Vin wanted to bring the PS2 back down where it was so he wouldn't be bored, but Mike said it was his and that he wanted to play. Vin today goes off about how Mike has all this stuff (computers, paid cable in room, etc.) and that all he wanted to do was to play the new games back down at our place because he had nothing else better to do. This REALLY upsets Karen, his mother, who says she's not obligated to do anything special for him since he has no job or life. At 26 she says, he should have been out long ago, but was too easy on him and already did her share of work and favors over the years.. which is a valid arguement. He just blames her and my father for everything, implying that he's not solely to blame in edition to other excuses. It was a huge dramatic fight, which ended in him leaving, on foot, because his mother forbided him to take the car (under her insurrance) in his current state. So he walked to his grandmother's house to clear his head. Her house is a good 10-15 minutes away by car.

The drama didn't end there, oh no. It continued when my dad came home from working on his hotrod to watch the race. Karen, still highly upset, gets at him a little too emotionally only trying to talk about what happened in a sincere way. Well, my dad, being an old fashioned unkind man starts to scream and such. Saying stuff like, "Yeah so? It's not my fault.", "I don't care, he should have been out on his ass long ago." These aren't direct quotes, his words were much more vulgar and insensitive. Picture the most mean, macho, uncaring, hide all emotions but anger man in the world and you have my father. Even I, his first born son find it extremely difficult to like him. None of us kids are close to him, because he is a very unlikable person. Often times we all just plain hate him, and that's his own fault, because he never reaches out to the family, not ever. If my life were more together, I wouldn't be living below them. I'd be out of here so fast, if I only had somewhere to go.

March 24, 2005 ~ 8:38 p.m.

My parents are so fucking ridiculous, they fight over anything and everything. Oh well, whatever. Anyways... I was gonna post more but my brother Matt stopped in with his PC. Will try and fix that up and we'll chill the night. Actually my other two brothers Mike and Vin are here too.. nice little gathering. I'll post again soon. Just glad this blog is back up again from when DiaryLand had some server issues.

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